• May 16, 2023
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On May 8th and 9th 2023, the partners of the CATCO2NVERS project had the opportunity to meet and discuss the latest progress of this initiative that is seeking to create added-value chemicals by using the CO2 of two bio-based industries.

The meeting was organised by CARTIF in Valladolid, Spain. On the first day, the consortium showcased the progress and some results of the technical work packages as well as the current status in the dissemination, communication and exploitation side.

On the second day, the meeting continued with a discussion of the upcoming milestones and deliverables for the project, with the partners agreeing on a clear plan of action for the next few months. Finally, the consortium enjoyed a tour through the CARTIF facilities where they learned how they are working in the conversion of CO2 to Bio-Methanol. 

The CATCO2NVERS consortium partners will continue to work together in order to achieve the goals of the project and to make a significant contribution to the reduction of greenhouse gasses emissions from the Bio-Based Industries transforming waste-CO2 from bio-based industries into 5 added-value chemicals.

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